
对于正在读这篇文章的人, chances are that you’ve seen headlines and developed your own hunches about smartphones and social media.  作为校长, I’ve taken a stance since 2019 that asks students to hand in phones at the school day’s start, 在我们进入2024-25学年时,我仍然保持这一立场.  五年前, 这一决定可以说是鼓舞人心的, 必要的, 或者荒谬,取决于谁在评论.  乔纳森·海特死后 焦虑的一代, 许多学校, 结果是他们的家庭, 现在是否也要在没有智能手机的学校里涉水.  给他们所有人, 我想说两点, a brief reassuring anecdote and a glimpse into the thinking that led to the phone decision at the 罗伯特·路易斯·全球最大的博彩平台 in NYC.

首先,保证.  It is an understatement to say that forward-looking policies must confront controversy.  如果你能想象一所高中的无手机政策, 一开始的分歧更多来自学生.  By June 2024, 虽然, a Stevenson student completed a project and arrived at agreement with Haidt’s 焦虑的一代 充电,本质上是:减少智能手机的使用,投入更多精力.  这符合我2019年的政策决定, 那个学生的结论似乎很容易让人鼓掌.  告诉你的事情和让人安心的现实, 虽然, 学生的结论不是孤立的吗, 同学们的建议并没有被置若罔闻.  事实上, what other students have told me boils down to this admission: they want to learn at school, 他们意识到智能手机会干扰这种学习.  与那个学生的想法一致, 我们继续要求学生们在一天的开始上交他们的手机.  除了学生的建议, the following describes some of the thinking that led to and reinforces Stevenson policy. 

我在2019年秋天推出了一项新政策, I addressed digital technology and screen time in light of Common Sense Media's contemporaneous report, 我在这里重新分享一些更新.  很明显, our view of digital technology today is forever changed following the pandemic's disruption with so many of us having been forced into digital interactions.  当我们努力弄清楚最近几年的情况时, 虽然, we can lean on pre- and early-pandemic resources and approaches to help us with school decisions.  

随着数字技术的发展,我们的相关实践和习惯也在发展.  From parents and educators alike some questions about the use of digital technology seem to arise frequently: what are they doing on the device? 它们有不在设备上的时候吗?  这是一种瘾吗?? 虽然技术发展很快, we fortunately have more and more data to inform our thinking about such questions and our decisions with teens.

首先,我推荐安雅 Kamenetz的作品 屏幕时间的艺术.  安雅, 在这本书出版时加入全球最大的博彩平台的人, provides a measured commentary on digital technology use that helps digest the data and come to terms with both well-meaning concerns and 21st-century realities.  最终, she boils down her recommendation to a technology version of Michael Pollan's approach to food: "Enjoy screens.  不要太多.  大多是和别人一起.如果你正在寻找一本好书,这本书应该在书单上占有一席之地.  

The message in Kamenetz's book is a reassuring one, but persistent concerns are also understandable.  如果你观察到一个青少年完全沉迷于移动设备的使用, 你可能会想到很多问题.  你可能也会觉得有必要对青少年和科技保持谨慎.  I previously acknowledged that the weight of such questions continues to be greater than the clarity of our data.  问题依然存在,但我们正以更大的信心走到这一步.  When it comes to questioning whether social media and smartphones are actually pushing negative change, Jean Twenge提出了多种不同的解释.  剧透:智能手机和社交媒体仍然令人担忧.  在2023年特温格的那篇文章之前,其他报道也把我们引向了同样的方向.

常识媒体2019年的报告 关于青少年和青少年媒体的研究包括几个关键的发现. 其中,一些突出的是(a)青少年平均花费近7.5 hours of daily screen time (NOT including time used for school work) and (b) that teen use of digital devices is almost entirely an act of consumption, as opposed to one that leverages the affordances of technology to create their own content (Note that I can happily think of many Stevenson students who create music, 电影, 及其他数码内容).  我们现在的处境如何? 如果你猜这个数字比2019年的报告有所增加, 那么你的猜测就和 2020年的报告

当我们看到这样的数字, it makes sense to also wonder how that time is being spent and what is the impact of such use.  事实上, 以这种方式看待数字对我们来说很重要, thereby focusing on the ways in which screens are being used and not simply on the fact that they are being used.  除了学校使用, digital technology can play an important role for teen socialization--a role that became a heightened reality for many adults during the pandemic, 也.  作为支持这些青少年的成年人和专业人士, 我们的任务是引导青少年利用科技, 而不是有害, 在他们的生活中.  That’s where our decisions must be more clearly rooted in specific contexts or tasks.

回首过去 2016年的报告, Common Sense Media found that 72% of teens felt a need to immediately respond to texts or other messages and notifications.  再加上这个发现, only 1/3 of teens were found to even occasionally attempt to reduce their time on digital devices.  换句话说, 许多青少年承认使用电子设备对他们行为的影响, 但表现出努力减少影响的人要少得多.  

这种担忧与Jonathan Haidt的研究结果一致 焦虑的一代. Haidt discusses how constant connectivity and social media use contribute to heightened anxiety and depression among teens. He emphasizes the need to understand and mitigate the mental health impacts of excessive screen time, which mirrors our observations at Stevenson and supports the importance of structured digital practices.

这对我们意味着什么?  在全球最大的博彩平台, our approach to technology is one that considers such findings along with both technology's potential affordances and potential impact on our specific student body.  这就是我之前提到的上下文和任务考虑.  一方面,一方面, 全球最大的博彩平台通过1:1的笔记本电脑项目拥抱数字技术, 学生邮件和在线班级管理, 计算机科学课程, 数字电影剪辑, 还有一个电脑游戏俱乐部.  作为去年的一个具体例子, 一名学生花了几周时间专注于计算机科学的3D建模, and he then applied those skills to create a neurotransmitter 3D model for his Neurobiology course.  至少可以说是出色的工作.  Moving to the other hand, 虽然, we do ask students to hand in their phones each day.  很简单, what we observed prior to this policy is that smartphone interference makes exceptional work like that neurotransmitter model less likely to occur.  完全就, our position is one that aims to open up students to more readily attend to the immediate social and academic context while also maintaining connections to 21st-century practices and topics.

诚然,这项禁令并不是一项迅速出台的决定.  事实上, 我自己最初的立场是更全面地接受技术, 寻求并相信它对学习的启示.  尽管如此, 经过几年不同的设备使用迭代, 我们发现, 除此之外, that our students had a persistent experience: a perceived need to immediately respond to messages and a general, 经常被电子设备分散注意力. 从拥抱技术到禁用设备,这段类似的旅程一直在进行 共享的其他地方, and in our school–one designed to dually attend to emotional and academic development–the smartphone drawbacks far outweigh the benefits.   

给父母们——如果你想知道你在家里会做什么,考虑以下几点.  首先,记住Kamenetz的“享受屏幕”.  不要太多.  大多是和别人一起.“如果我们回想一下青少年的平均消费.每天在屏幕前进行5小时的非学校活动, 我们可以自信地选择断开连接的时间. 要进一步, 虽然, keep in mind that digital devices also can support positive social connections and promote interest exploration.  而不是关注在屏幕上花了多少时间, 试着了解孩子是如何使用这些设备的.  说不同, 我们可以期待数字技术继续留在我们的生活中, 所以我们的任务是改进我们使用它的方式.  I suggest conversations with your child about the function of devices and the extent to which they are helping or hindering life experiences (e.g. 每天晚上使用电子设备到凌晨2点是没有帮助的!).  然后制定一个计划,尝试组织家庭屏幕/设备的使用.  No matter what routes you and your family try, consider using cell phones as an opportunity to 模型决策 有一个棘手的问题.  


Chris Ongaro,教育学博士
